Lock It Down Even though locking your house up tight seems like a no-brainer, there are many ways your home can remain vulnerable even if you think you’ve done all you can. A locked door is useless if you leave a spare key in an easily accessible location like under a flower pot or door […]
When Your Home Security Company Becomes the Greatest Security Risk
They are so commonplace that most of us don’t even notice them anymore: the little shields or decals indicating that a property is “protected” by a home security system. They have become as ubiquitous as car alarms, which seemingly are standard equipment on all but the cheapest autos. According to the New York Times, in […]
Integrated Solutions
The need of integrated solutions that provide people with security and protection are of vital importance if we consider all the benefits derived from the installation of various security systems that efficiently control and systematically surveillance every place and application. Therefore, taking full advantage of what modern technology can nowadays offer is of definite and […]